October Update

03 October 2024

Hello All,

i don't normally make blog posts as you can tell, but I read some bits about the dead internet theory and its kind of inspired me to neaten up this section of my life. I'm in a strange position of being a kind of YouTuber who is unknown still yet have documented so much of my life online. I have always kind of wanted to do a vlog, and although I dont think I am interesting enough to make even a weekly vlog, I may create some vlog content soon to give a more raw version of my current situations.

Speaking of the youtube channel, I am hoping to start uploading again, i need to work on some of my products again and get them up to par, as the quality is hit or miss with some of the things I have made so far. That being said, I feel the same about some of my videos and as soon as I can get some motivation and energy back I will do my best to get some new content out!

I have a new printer now and, if all goes well that should be a fun one to talk about!

Thankfully Yours,

- Nathan Jenkins

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